JUNE 24, 2024

JUNE 24, 2024 ✦


JUNE 24, 2024

JUNE 24, 2024 ✦

On the 2nd anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, we’re rallying for our constitutional #RightToAbortion.

President Biden: certify and publish the EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT, once and for all.


With its landmark 1973 ruling on Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court established that the decision to terminate a pregnancy is fundamental to a woman’s personal liberty. 

20 years later, in Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, SCOTUS reaffirmed that right by stating that abortion is one of “the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, [a choice] central to personal dignity and autonomy,” and therefore exactly the kind of liberty protected by the Fourteenth amendment. 

For nearly fifty years, until Dobbs v. Jackson in 2022, the Supreme Court upheld and affirmed our constitutional right to abortion. Now, our liberty, dignity, and equality are under attack. 

The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees against government infringement upon one’s privacy and liberty, a crucial aspect of abortion’s Constitutional basis. However, State restrictions upon reproductive autonomy are undeniably forms of sex discrimination, meaning they fall squarely under the umbrella of the Equal Rights Amendment. 

The power to make and act on decisions about one’s reproductive autonomy regardless of gender identity, race, economic status, and background are fundamental to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Ultimately, this is why we need a federal ERA that explicitly enshrines the right to abortion in the Constitution. This is why we’re mobilizing on June 24th, and you can help us take action. 

Article V of the Constitution lays out two requirements for the adoption of new constitutional amendments—approval by ⅔ of Congress (supermajority) and ratification by ¾ (38) of the states. The ERA surpassed both of these hurdles in 1972 and 2020, respectively, when Virginia became the 38th and final state needed for ratification. Article V mentions nothing about deadlines, such as the one arbitrarily imposed on the ERA’s ratification by the states, and is similarly silent on whether the Department of Justice can unilaterally prevent the publication of otherwise ratified amendments, as Trump’s DOJ did. If we take Article V by its plain text—as so many anti-abortion, anti-equality judges and politicians are keen on doing with other statutes—the ERA has been duly ratified and is awaiting publication. 

All the ERA is missing is the National Archivist’s signature, at the request of the President. What has forever been a purely ceremonial step is the only thing standing between us and constitutional gender equality. As Chief Executive, President Biden has the moral obligation and constitutional imperative to ensure the Archivist carries out her duty. The President has made many public remarks about his desire to codify Roe and restore federal protections for abortion, but is overlooking the single-most powerful tool in his arsenal, the ERA.

The ERA has fulfilled all requirements in the Constitution for publication. President Biden alone has the authority to publish the ERA. Leading constitutional scholars, alongside 121 members of Congress, have called on Biden to make the ERA the 28th Amendment

In 2022, the anti-democratic Supreme Court rejected the will of the majority of Americans by gutting the constitutional rights to abortion in their ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson decision. 

After losing abortion access on his watch, Biden continues to fail us by stalling action on the era—an already ratified amendment that while reinstate the federal right to abortion.

Weak and vague promises to codify Roe will not get us back our rights, and it certainly will not win our vote.

121 members of congress join our call by co-sponsoring the era now resolutions. Biden, the ball’s in your court.


We are mobilizing young people in four cities where voters will determine this fall whether to enshrine the right to abortion in their state constitutions:


Phoenix, AZ

Albany, NY

Washington, D.C.

These four locations all have abortion or the ERA on the ballot soon, and we need to build a coalition of young people dedicated to protecting and expanding our fundamental freedoms. If you would like to host an action in your city, or would like to help but aren’t in one of these cities, reach out and we will connect you with the resources and support you need.


millions of Americans have seen their fundamental rights stolen for the first time in their lifetimes. Young people are mobilizing across the nation to enshrine their fundamental rights in state Constitutions, but this piece-by-piece effort just isn’t enough. The Supreme Court recently released its decision on FDA v. Hippocratic Alliance for Medicine, dismissing this case due to lack of standing and not further restricting Mifepristone access–for now.

We still anxiously await the Supreme Court’s decision in Idaho v. United States, that will decide the future of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) and emergency abortion care. With the memory of Dobbs still fresh on our minds, we know there is no more time left to waste on publishing the ERA.

The Supreme Court has made it clear: the Fall of Roe v. Wade was just the beginning.

On June 24th, 2022, the Supreme Court made their agenda to strike down abortion clear. Since then, President Biden has done little to defend abortion. Biden claims he can do no more, but we know that’s not true. Our self-proclaimed “reproductive rights” champion has refused to publish the Equal Rights Amendment–the comprehensive, permanent tool we need to fight back. Across the country, state-level ERAs have been invoked to defend abortion access from Iowa to Pennsylvania. But to fully secure this right, we must finalize the federal ERA as the 28th Amendment.

We know that a comprehensive federal ERA is the solution to the abortion crisis, and we are fighting to finalize the federal ERA so that all Americans can have their fundamental rights constitutionally secured. As Biden continues to disregard our rights, it is more crucial than ever that young people come together and demand action to protect our fundamental freedoms. 


Youth nationwide are mobilizing in four key cities on June 24th: Phoenix, Orlando, Albany, and Washington, D.C. These protests will feature multimedia activities including teach-ins, poster art creation, and rallying. The Young Feminist Party will have organizing leads in each community, and we encourage organizers to sign up both as individuals and delegations.

If you would like to request additional support or sign up to host an action in your city, reach out to belan@youngfeministparty.org.